Yoga with Max
Practice with a highly competent yoga teacher Max Pranic, who delivers a special experience - be it a basic class just to improve your balance, or going deeper and exploring the whole range of yoga possibilities
Yoga with Max
Practice with a highly competent yoga teacher Max Pranic, who delivers a special experience - be it a basic class just to improve your balance, or going deeper and exploring the whole range of yoga possibilities
Book your yoga class!
You can arrange a convenient time and have a private session online or at the location. Or you can join one of my yoga groups in Boka Bay area of Montenegro
for Online Courses click here
Max about himself:

I have been practicing and teaching yoga for over 20 years in various international settings, but my base is a beautiful Adriatic country of Montenegro. I do regular classes and private training here at Yogaboka studio in Kotor Bay; at PMYC Sports Club, Porto Montenegro, Tivat; at Chenot Espace Spa, One&Only, Portonovi.

I also teach online internationally, doing special courses and masterclasses and also individual classes and programs. I have been guiding yoga groups of up to 50 people, but prefer one-to-one individual approach. Being known for my private sessions, I have students and clients from around the world who keep practicing with me for years.

The practice we do in my classes is based in slow and soft Hatha with some elements of Kriya and Raja yoga. Good for any level, from the very beginners. Advancing we gradually add various pranayamas, dharanas, kriyas, mudras, bandhas and other tools of a more subtle yoga.

To have an idea of my yoga background read more here

Starting from my teen years I had an interest in different forms of Easten Practices and Martial Arts. I have experimented with Meditation and Inner Qigong, tried different asanas and yoga techniques. But the real yoga knowledge and competence came later - when I had a chance for a serious study with accomplished Indian Masters and Schools including Sri Vagish Shastri (Varanasi); Swami Veda Bharati and Swami Ritavan at SRSG (Himalayan Yoga Tradition, Rishikesh); Dr. Madhavan (Vivekananda Institute of Yogatherapy); Swami Vidyananda (Transformational Yoga). During those many years of exploring genuine yoga in India I have received direct transmissions and initiations in Shakta sampradaya lineage as well as Himalayan Tradition. I have completed various TTC and hold a Master of Hatha Yoga (500hrs+) and a Grand Master of Meditation, authorization to conduct and certify 200hrs Yoga Teacher Trainings.

Originally my way to yoga comes from a different background and a lifestyle even opposite to yoga. I will not, like some eastern teachers, tell you that I have been introduced to yoga by my guru at the age of 5 and lived in a cave since then. Or, as some of my western coleagues, that I started doing intense asana practice being 16 and since then I am super flexible and elastic. Not really. But exactly because of my previous sometimes disorderly "jet-set life" background I have a broader picture. I understand the polarities, the diversity and complexity of our contemporary world. I am familiar with all those stresses and know where the stiffness of body and mind comes from. I have been through corporate environments and high society circles, I am aware of the deadlines challenge and the prejudice of public opinion, I can relate to many issues and side-effects people experience in our global urban society. And now I know some solutions!

Yoga provides the instruments, techniques, methods and philosophy. Something I have been accomulating through the years of study and practice with my Indian teachers, through the research of original yogic and tantric texts and scriptures. There are no mirracles (in the beginning :) but if one is ready to follow some basic discipline, yoga gives the antidotes. It has the answers to many challenges we all face. Being an ancient practice, it is much needed now and is so contemporary in its spirit. This is exactly what I try to show and teach in my classes, courses, workshops and retreats.

Yoga Practice
I teach yoga and not aerobics, fitness or acrobatics. There is no goal here of achieving perfection in physical exercise, but there is a mindful exploration of oneself and one's body. The practice is soft and balanced. In movement or static, we pay attention to the flow of "prana" (inner vital force) in the body and we learn ways to direct it.

We follow the exact techniques perfected through centuries of unbroken yoga tradition. It is a subtle practice. Working not only with our muscles, but with the breath and awareness, harmonizing the whole body-mind structure, balancing sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. With this scientific approach, the result is profound and long lasting.

And finally we make sure that the practice we do is enjoyable, as "ananda" (enjoyment) is an integral part of any authentic yoga practice.
Yoga Retreat in August
Yoga Retreat and Digital Detox with Max in August
6 days "From Asana to Meditation" Retreat and Digital Detox. 2-7 August. Following an ancient Himalayan Yoga lineage in the mountains of Montenegro.
At AŠUMA luxury mountain retreat center in the Lovcen National Park, Montenegro
Join me in the mountains of Lovchen for a Digital Detox and Yoga Retreat.
"Welcome to these special 6 days designed as a perfect time and space to reassemble yourself, refresh and restart. I invite you to the mountains of Montenegro to get a feel of the Himalayan yoga tradition, to reconnect yourself through tested tools of traditional yoga.

Our classes will start with some soft and balanced Hatha practice and move to a more subtle dimension. There will be a mindful exploration of oneself and one's body according to classical yoga teachings. You will be guided through all levels of authentic yoga practice to get to that ultimate state of Yoga - Union (the word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root "yuj" - to unite, to connect) - integration of Body, Mind, and Spirit.

By doing this, we will approach Meditation the Yogic way - connecting our existing Asana practice to a more subtle, sometimes undiscovered layers of yoga practice, gently exploring our body and mind, and ultimately arriving at Dhyana - a deep and natural meditative state of absorption, peace and joy."

From Asana to Meditation
During this retreat
you will enjoy:
  • Unique retreat center Ašuma covers 10 hectares and is nestled in a serene valley surrounded by mountain peaks and wild forest within the boundaries of Lovcen National Park and at a height of 1000 m above sea level
  • 6 days/5 nights accommodation in luxury glamping style tents, fully equipped and beautifully furnished
  • 2 plant-based meals a day (Brunch & Dinner)
  • Cozy dining space and possibility to order meals for lunch from carefully designed ašuma menu
  • Evening bonfire in a natural and friendly atmosphere

  • 2 daily practices (Morning Activation - Soft Hatha & Raja yoga & Evening Balancing - Kriya Raja yoga)
  • Special Workshop - the essence of this retreat revealed and explained, knowledge transmitted, and techniques tested. Theory + Practice
  • Sankalpa - setting intention, goal. Traditional technique from Yoga & Tantra. With the help of the teacher, we will make our subconscious involved to get the intention firm and effective
  • Digital Detox - time to disconnect in order to slow down, to reflect, to reconnect and reset
  • Sound Healing / Yoga Nidra session. Balancing and healing through a special yogic sleep practice
  • Yogic Breathwalk in nature: a form of walking meditation, a way to combine the benefits of yoga, meditation and walking
Yoga Retreat in August
Group Classes
Regular group classes by schedule at the above locations. Also, group classes by request (groups starting from 3 persons).
Hatha, Kriya-Raja, Yoga Nidra, Meditation or Tao Yoga (rooted in Chineese inner arts systems and good for any age or condition)
Private Classes
Fully personalised practice according to your age, body condition and the goals relevant to you. From restorative yoga to a variety of individual programs. Customized one-to-one yoga training to get a deeper understanding and feel for the practice. Gaining long lasting benefits and results
Yoga Online
Individual sessions online. Personalized yoga programs according to the person's needs and conditions of the body. From Basic to Advanced.
Online group courses, like "Meditation made easy" - step by step yoga approach to Meditation or "Kriya-Raja Yoga" - special advanced course
Reserve private or group classes with Max at
3 great locations:
Yoga Studio, Kotor Bay
Reserve at:
+382 67 814 900
Unique natural location with a stunning sea and mountain views. Popular outdoor studio near Kotor, ideal for a deeper yoga and meditation practice
Well known Sports Club of Porto Montenegro. Comfortable and convenient if you are based in Tivat area. Indoor/Outdoor
PMYC Sports Club
Reserve at:
+382 32 660 744
Chenot Espace Spa
Reserve at:
+382 31 691 001
Highly exclusive!
Salutations to Sri AdiNatha (Shiva - the first and original Guru and Yogi). He who expounded the knowledge of Hatha Yoga, which is like a staircase leads the aspirant to the highest levels of Raja Yoga.
Hatha Yoga is given here solely as a way to attain Raja Yoga.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika, 1.1-2, 15th century major text on yoga
The yogi destroys diseases through Asana (posture), sin through Pranayama (breathing techniques), and becomes free from the modifications and disturbances of the mind through Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses). Through Dharana (relaxed concentration) the yogi attains steadiness of mind, from Dhyana (meditation) a clear consciousness, and in Samadhi (full absorption) he attains liberation, having got rid of all auspicious and inauspicious karmas.
Yoga-Tarangini, 2.11-12, 11th century commentary on yoga of GorakshaNatha (one of the founders of Hatha Yoga tradition)
Listen to Max Pranic giving interview to a well known International Podcast "Wild Yoga Tribe"
To have a better idea about Max's approach to practicing and teaching Yoga

to listen press PLAY button down here

Yoga Courses with Max - Live Online
Max's signature online courses for long time practitioners, serious beginners, yoga teachers - all those who want to get more efficient, authentic and deeper in their yoga practice
Yogic approach to meditative techniques. Going from "Gross" to "Subtle". Working with our body, breath and mind to get closer to the ultimate balance. 16 live lessons (theory and practice) to master 3 crucial limbs of Yoga - Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana.
Theoretical and practical knowledge based on selected Agamas and Scriptures, as well as personal expertise through traditional yogic lineage.
32 live lessons of sometimes complex but always fascinating Theory in a simple and clear manner. Support materials.
Special course for intermediate or advanced level students (for beginners "From Asana to Meditation" course is recommended first).
Highly effective Kriya methods and techniques to achieve Raja Yoga (the Royal Path) - to harmonize and activate whole energy system, fully unfold the inner potential. 48 practical lessons with some theory and insights. Gentle and balanced approach to body and mind based on Tradition. Includes Max's textbook study materials, individual attention and support.
Open air class with Max, PMYC Sports Club, September 2022
Book your yoga class!
Decide what mode of practice and location fits you best. Could be a combination of a few ones - be it a private class, yoga groups, online sessions or a special course. Just try and see for yourself what suits you best.
Contact me for some true yoga experience!
Do your yoga and let the force
be with you!
Feel free to get in touch with me directly
Yoga with Max
Tivatska Oaza, Bokeljska 19
Tivat, Montenegro 85320